About Us

Our Vision at Mdtc

To inclusively empower all communities through community led approaches and innovative solutions that foster resilience for a better future

MDTC Mission

To become a national, regional, and international organisation that empowers communities through provision of sustainable and diverse developmental projects for their livelihoods

Our Core Values


The Mwenezi Development Training Centre (MDTC) is a registered non-governmental organization (PVO 25/91) formed in 1991. MDTC is located in the communal areas of Mwenezi District, Masvingo province. The organization is based on membership formation hence is community owned. The governing body of MDTC is composed of 10 Board of Trustees and currently a membership of 14800 people. The Programme Managing Director is the head of the institution with 3 managers heading the Programmes department, Finance and Administration and Strategic Business Units.


The organization was established with the aim of transforming rural community livelihoods through development initiatives, capacity strengthening and food assistance to eradicate poverty and hunger at household and community level. The development initiatives enhance community resilience against shocks, hazards and disasters The organization facilitates creation of farmer groups and engage them in livelihood and poverty alleviation interventions that includes vocational skills acquisition and utilization ,small dam rehabilitation and creation ,small grain production and utilization, value addition ,small livestock and fodder production, catchment protection, Cross cutting issues (Gender, HIV and Aids, environmental protection  and COVID 19).

All MDTC development initiatives are community driven through Community Level Participatory Planning, Seasonal Livelihoods Programme which were developed with financial support from WFP, community needs assessments and District Development Plans.

Since its registration MDTC has been implementing community development work with financial support from donor partners amongst which included HIVOS [in 1990-1999], Norwegian Agency for Development [NORAD 1994-2003], German Development Services [DED in 1996 -2003], Norwegian People’s Aid [in 2004-2006], SNV [Netherlands Development Services 1996-1998 and 2003 – 2010].  Funding was also received for some projects from Plan International [1997 – 1998], Care International (2008-2011) and Tools for Self-Reliance (TFSR-UK-1996-2002, Africa 2000plus, IOM, Liechtenstein Development Services (LED), UN-World Food Programme, USAID, Italian Cooperation, Terre des Hommes (TDH), European Commission, ECONET Zimbabwe .


MDTC remains accountable to the community, stakeholders and funders by sharing of programmes and financial reports through the annual general meetings, board meetings and coordination meetings. We accept responsibility for our work, services and uphold professional standards by auditing finances, evaluating programmes and constant measuring our results against anticipated performance indicators and targets. We strive to ensure that our work is relevant, credible and timely. Our success depends on working together collectively and fostering an inclusive, mutually supportive and enabling environment. We value collaboration, innovation, flexibility and integration. Achieving and maintaining quality standards across the entire programme works is our strength.


In all the programme MDTC coordinates with government line ministries who provides technical advice, local authorities, private sectors, communities, other NGOs and funding partners.



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