Mdtc Successes


  • MDTC has gained a wide experience in implementing community development programmes basing on the period of operation and growth, with positive external evaluation and financial audit reports.
  • Moving towards financial sustainability, have income generating projects as strategic business units in place-lodges, catering and poultry hatching.
  • The organization runs a successful vocation skills training programme with over 4000 graduates since 1991 based on in situ training approach and trade tests.The organization has built a pool of skills among communities as part of resilience building in Mwenezi and the neighbouring districts.
  • MDTC engages private sector and forges partnership inindustrial attachments and employment placement for the graduates. However currently, faces challenges due to economic factors affecting the country but help participants to create own employment and utilize skills attained for self-sustenance.
  • MDTC has a successful Entrepreneurship skills development programme with a follow up and support, Product value addition and market linkages that are self – sustaining and evolvewith the changing climatic and global economic conditions.
  • A total of 43 nutrition and herbal gardens have been established in communities of Mwenezi. The projects have gone a long way in improving the community food and nutrition security in the district.
  • Established an operational 40-hectare irrigation scheme benefiting 157 households and rehabilitated two irrigation schemes to increase productionhectarage by 20 hectares each that are now functional. This development has helped communities to build resilience when drought strikes which is the norm in rainfall marginal areas like Mwenezi.

Successes Conti...

  • Rehabilitated 40 small-medium dams in the last 6 years (2016-2019).
  • Established 12 pass-on goat project groups in 6 years and 66 improved goat breeds.
  • Successfully introduced community based small grain and OPV seed production programme in Mwenezi working in collaboration with the department of seed services in the past 6 years with high level of farmer adoption.
  • Constructed 2 classroom blocks and rehabilitated 5 classroom blocks and constructed 1 clinic staff house in 2009 -2012. 
  • Micro- saving club creation and training: 41 micro savings clubs established with an average saving of US$381 per year.
  • Agri business linkages and Private sector engagement and participation in seed markets: MDTC`s engaged and organized 6 community-based seed multiplication groups to link with seed companies, Zimbabwe Super seeds and Seed Co and partner farmers as outgrowers on contract farming. The farmers have successfully produced seed for the contracted markets.
  • Capacity building: MDTC has invested more effort on providing transformational, governance and value chain development trainings to farmers and beneficiaries of the projects as well as extension staff. MDTC has developed referral training materials that are used as guide for standard dissemination to farmers. MDTC has strength in articulating problems to grass root level using the problem tree analytical matrix, hence also engage farmers to find contextual solutions using the solution tree analytical matrix. Extension staff and farmers are trained in farming as a business and financial management concepts; contextualize the concepts using the problem and solution matrix, which form the basis for development of their action plans. MDTC adopted the SMILE model

The participatory approach to project development has given MDTC successful milestones in achieving development agenda and a mark on good community ownership of projects initiated.

 MDTC has capacity to implement programmes as it has the experience and qualified, experienced and committed staff and a functional board of trustees with positive support from stakeholders and donors.