Programmes Supported By Partners
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Brief Background
The programmes implemented are segmented into thematic areas that form the core structure of the organization under which activities are run. These include:
The programme is designed to empower rural women, men and youths with self-reliance and survival skills to enhance community resilience against poverty related to economic and food insecurity shocks. The vocational training programmeinclude: building, carpentry, welding, dressmaking and metal work.
- The programme interventions include small grains production, conservation farming, community based OPV seed multiplication, organic agriculture, nutrition and herbal gardens, small livestock development, small-medium dams and irrigations schemes rehabilitation and construction, schools and clinics rehabilitation. These interventions assist communities in creating immediate and long- term benefits through establishment of self- sustained interventions.
- Livestock interventions implemented include participatory epidemiology for livestock disease control, Artificial insemination for breed improvement, fodder production focusing on Velvet beans, livestock market linkages and farmer private partnership linkages with abattoirs.
- Fish production and fish breed improvement. Community based fisheries were established at rehabilitated dam sites. 2400 fish fingerlings were stocked in three rehabilitated dams. The beneficiary community harvested fish for home consumption and surplus for sale.
FFA – Productive asset creation engaged communities to create 16 515 households as beneficiaries for 23 new dams created and 15 515 households for rehabilitated dams. 43 new gardens were created averaging 1- 2 hectares to support crop production for the assisted beneficiaries. All these assets created / rehabilitated are organized and have asset management committees (AMCs) in place. These AMCs are responsible for maintenance and functionality of the assets with assistance from MDTC and other field technical level stakeholders.
Cash/Food Assistance for Assets activities, which empower rural communities to increase their resilience to shocks by creating productive assets and transformative trainings for capacity building so as to gradually prepare them for offset from the need for seasonal food assistance.
Promotion activities are mainstreamed during implementation with participating beneficiaries with a focus to improve the nutrition status in the communities. Moderate malnutrition is addressed by provision of corn soya blend porridge to under 5 years children.
Disaster Response and Risk Reduction (DRRR) through a Lean Season Assistance (LSA) programme, which provides food assistance for seasonally food-insecure vulnerable households. MDTC/TDH through CROPs programme trained 40 district stakeholders from Mwenezi and Beitbridge on community managed disaster risk reduction (CMDRR).Thetrained stakeholders cascaded the trainings to ward level committees and developed ward DRR action plans. The developed ward action plans were presented to district DRR committee and council for adoption.
MDTC facilitates creation of farmer groups and clubs for project intervention. The groups/ clubs created have management committees that work with the farmers.MDTC has a proven record on training the committees in Farming as a business, Entrepreneurship development, transformational leadership and governance, agronomy and production principles as well as market value chains for both crops and livestock. MDTC engages key private sector actors in participating in value chains. Key private sector companies engaged are input service providers such as Seedco, livestock feed supply companies, National foods, pesticide companies, Sygenta and produce output markets.
Business Development involves formation of strategic business units, entrepreneurship skills training, hatching of Boschveld chicks for sale to local communities. MDTC`s business units generate own income to support funding from donor partners. The business units include the boarding and lodging, poultry, office rentals.
- All programmes run by MDTC integrate crosscutting issues of HIV/AIDS, gender and environment. The organization is also running practical projects to support both infected and affected members of the community. The projects include vocational skills training of OVC, nutrition and herbal support (herbs and goats) to support groups,peer education, production and distribution of IEC promotional materials.MDTC has also established a workplace support group to spearhead HIV/AIDS programmes at workplace. Besides, the organization provides business management training to enable HIV infected and affected people to raise income at household level. However, specific awareness campaigns are held on annual basis targeting those not involved in MDTC projects and programmes.
- Climate smart agriculture technologies such as CA, post- harvest storage silos and adaptable varieties are being promoted.
The Finance and Administration department
Provide support functions to programmes and account for of all organization finances and administration issues. Routine audits are done periodically. It is headed by the Finance and Administration Manager.
The monitoring, evaluation and ICT is responsible for the internal monitoring andevaluation system for MDTC projects to ensure resources are effectively utilized and managed. The M&E ensures organizational information is synthesized and promotion material developed to support marketing of interventions.
USAID/WFP | Food Assistance-Lean Season Assistance (Food Assistance and complimentary activities, Food for Assistance for Assets (small dam rehabilitation and creation, nutrition gardens establishment, dip tank rehabilitation and creation, irrigation scheme rehabilitation, borehole drilling and solar installation), Zambuko Resilience Initiative (crop and livestock improvement), Rural Resilient Initiative R4, Small grain Programme and Moderate Acute Malnutrition.
-Community Level Participatory Planning
-Seasonal Livelihoods Programming
| Mwenezi, Chiredzi and Masvingo |
Liechtenstein Development Services (LED) | Vocational skills training in building, carpentry, metalwork, tie and dye, machine maintenance, leather tanning and dressmaking, National Foundation Certificate and Trade test.
Health and schools’ infrastructure development through renovation and construction of clinic and classroom blocks.
Small grain and OPV seed production.
Small-medium dam rehabilitation.
Nutrition gardens establishment at rehabilitated or created dams.
Fishery working with cooperatives.
Small livestock production targeting HIV infected OVCs.
Institutional capacity building through infrastructure development.
| Mwenezi and Beitbridge |
European Commission | BRIDGE (Building Inclusively in Drier Geographic Environs) which aims at increasing the participation of CSOs in preventing and mitigating risks and vulnerabilities caused by drought and other climatic conditions. | Beitbridge |
Terre des Hommes (TDH) | Terre des Hommes (TDH)/ MDTC partnership was from 2017 to 2019. The interventions done under the Zimbabwe Joint El Niño response programme. The capacity building initiatives done for farmers and extension workers during implementation of ZIMJR were Artificial insemination as a strategy for cattle breed improvement, livestock market linkages and participatory epidemiology for livestock disease control.
| Mwenezi and Beitbridge |
Funded by the Italian Agency for Development and Cooperation
| Creating Opportunities for sustainable agriculture and livestock development (CROPS). This is a programme implemented in Mwenezi and Beitbridge consortium with Terre Des Hommes (TDH), CESVI, IFarm, Matopos Research and MDTC funded by the Italian agency for development and Cooperation from September 2017 to April 2020. Under the CROPS programme, there was dip tank rehabilitation and borehole drilling installation of solar powered pumping system. There was also rehabilitation of 3 irrigation schemes i.e. Murove (ward 6), Chizumba (ward 7) and Dinhe (ward 8).
| Mwenezi and Beitbridge. |